Read what our parents think of the Little Kickers soccer training programme online today

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We love hearing what you think about Little Kickers: be it our classes, our coaches, the venues we use or anything else, so please share your thoughts with us here.

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Zed has been enjoying his little kickers so much, we didn't really know what to expect when we enrolled him and were really impressed at the quality of the session.  The coaches are great with the kids, the variety of the tasks and exercises are just spot-on for active pre-schoolers and he can't wait for his Saturday soccer lesson to roll around each week!

Hannah & Matt from Te Atatu's Mighty Kickers class

A huge thank you to Leanne and Gareth at the Lincoln Little Kicks - we have thoroughly enjoyed our sessions. 

Highlights for our wee soccer star were bubbles, kicking the ball around outside, chasing Gareth and making Leanne's elbows and nose make noises ;)

Rachel Holden from Christchurch

The highlight of every week for my 3 year old son and 4 year old daughter is Little Kickers. The coordination and execution of the lessons is flawless and it is obvious that a lot of time and effort goes into ensuring each level is age appropriate. Not only do the children enjoy and learn soccer skills they also learnt to count, identify colours and the art of following instructions. I highly recommend Little Kickers as an exciting and innovative program. We will be back!

Kathryn Harby-Williams – NZ Sports Commentator & former Australian Netball Captain, Little Kickers Meadowbank classes

The party went so well, all that organising paid off! And Dillon really enjoyed having yourself and Raj there. …  The other parents were impressed and I’m sure you will be asked to attend their parties in the future. I am so glad I chose Little Kickers rather than the YMCA instructors. Thank you for helping make Dillon's 5th birthday so special.

Lisa - son's 5th Birthday Party

Just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to the amazing team at Little Kickers NZ, my little dude has just recently started playing Small Fries Soccer at Bay Olympic and Paul and I have been absolutely amazed at the skills Matthew has developed in his 2 and a half years with Little Kickers, and watching it all come together at "Big Boy" outside Soccer! He has a real understanding of the game, and is enjoying playing so much. 


I would really encourage any parent who is keen to get their little ones involved in a Team Sport to start with Little Kickers, whilst the drills and practice all look like great fun for the kids (and they are!) the actual ball skills they learn, really do set a great foundation for the game, and that's before you even consider the massive benefits of keeping your kids physically fit and teaching them to follow instructions from a coach.


Kahu and Raphael did an incredible job teaching Matthew the basics....and I am sure he will take these early learnings with him in whatever sport he may go on to play in the future.

The investment in Little Kickers is well and truly worth it! So thanks Yvette, you and your team rock!

Carla and Paul Gee, Mt Albert, Auckland

Fraser really enjoyed the Little Kickers session.  Coach Nick was brilliant and interacted with the kids fantastically. 

So much energy and they all listened to him!!  Amazing and all the exercises were appropriate for the age group.

Melanie from One Tree Hill, Auckland

He really enjoyed himself and wanted to know if he had a class today too…… When we picked him up yesterday from Day care he had a lot to tell us about his soccer class (his name for it). You are doing a great job ….. Congrats and all the best to you.

Evelyn, child attending TopKids Victoria Ave classes, Auckland

This was a very successful programme on developing the skills of year one children. I found the children to be fully engaged for the 45 minute lesson. The set-up of equipment was done really well as the children were working on skills when the games were set up. Well done and hope to see you again soon! 

Shumba Govender, Year 1 teacher at Wakaraanga Primary School, Farm Cove, Auckland
Having been involved with Little Kickers for around 18 months as a parent I have seen enormous benefits in attending such a club. These sessions are professionally run by Scott who always exudes enthusiasm which 'rubs off' on the children!

The children enjoy the sessions and develop, not only physically and socially but also psychologically as they come away displaying their pleasure at being involved in the activities. The activities are inclusive of all the children as no child is left on the sidelines as games can be accessed at each child's own level.

Little Kickers is great for team building as they need to work together on some of the activities. This is an excellent quality to see in Reception and Year 1 children as a teacher and is part of getting on in life and something every child should aim for they mature. Children are also given the opportunity to improve on a personal level as well as develop their football skills. They gain encouragement throughout each activity through positive feedback from the coaches.

The Little Kickers sessions are great for children on a personal fitness level as they are very active through their time in the lesson and of course it is extra-curricular. The coaches are also keen to point out the health benefits of eating sensibly and drinking water as part of their Little Kickers training regime.

I highly recommend Scott and Little Kickers as it is beneficial all round to children..

Year 1 Teacher

Our little boy (Alex) is enjoying Little Kickers soooooooo much, it's such a thrill to watch him! ...We are absolutely delighted with Coach Steven and Coach Rachel and we know Alex has an absolute "Ball" at Little Kickers...!!!!!

Julie, Little Kickers Meadowbank, Auckland

Issei REALLY enjoyed his first session. After the session he said, "I want to do that every day, mum!! When can I play next time?" I was very happy to hear that :) .Thank you Yvette for welcoming us and giving him a very enjoyable time! 

Sato from Takapuna, Auckland

The boys are just loving it.  I have to fight with them to not put their kit on everyday (and sometimes I don't necessarily win...).

Vanessa, Auckland

Little Kickers is a fun & exciting way for my little boy to start learning good co-ordination skills, becoming a team player and staying active. The sessions are run in a fun & action packed way, pitched just at the right level for toddlers. Some really good soccer skills are taught involving cones that suddenly become swamps & bridges with the added excitement of having to dodge space invaders! The toddlers think it’s great fun & are totally in tune with the coaches & what they are expected to do. All are kitted out in soccer strips which makes them feel part of a really terrific little team. The sessions are obviously well planned & structured, ensuring each week a different skill is covered. A really great activity and one we all look forward to every week!

Emma, Albany, Auckland

Sam has really enjoyed his time at Little Kickers. The coaches are SO good with the children and you run a very professional yet fun activity.

Jayne, Meadowbank, Auckland

I just wanted to say thank you to you, little kickers and Raj for making my son’s birthday party a real success. James had a blast and all of the kids really enjoyed themselves. Raj was great with the kids and the certificates were a real hit. I will recommend you to all of my friends.

Sarah, Son's Birthday Party, Auckland

Just writing you a quick note to tell you how much Eddie (and us parents) enjoyed his session at Takapuna last week...  the format and coaches just brings the best of him out.

Grace and Shane from Takapuna, Auckland

Ethan had a great time and was very pleased to tell his teachers at day care that he went to soccer this morning!

Emily from One Tree Hill, Auckland

I wanted to say what a fantastic job you guys did for the birthday.  The kids had a wonderful time and your coaches were excellent - they did an amazing job and the kids just loved them.  I was very impressed.  The certificates at the end were a great extra and the kids were thrilled to get them. 

I will definitely be recommending you to all my friends.  I am pretty sure you got a couple of new customers from the day as well – a couple of the parents were so impressed that they are looking to enrol their kids in the Little Kickers programme. Thanks so much for making it such a great day. 

Please also pass on my thanks to Kathryn and Dom – they were so lovely with the kids and really made an effort with them which was greatly appreciated.

Sonya, Son's Birthday Party, Auckland

Thank you so very much for today. We all really enjoyed it!  Mason was so excited when we walked in the hall and loved 'talking' about it afterwards - always a good sign!  I was really impressed with the structure of the session and the overall learning that took place - not just the ball skills.  The coaches did a fantastic job too.  Such a fun learning atmosphere.  So we are sold!

Kylee, Little Kickers Meadowbank, Auckland

Harrison has absolutely loved LK and it has been great for his confidence and general co-ordination and ball skills.  The quality of the coaches has also been fabulous and we would recommend it to anyone!

Louise, Mt Eden, Auckland
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